littlefs for Python

Build Status: Linux Build Status: Windows Documentation Status

littlefs-python provides a thin wrapper around littlefs, a filesystem targeted for small embedded systems. The wrapper provides a pythonic interface to the filesystem and allows the creation, inspection and modification of the filesystem or individual files. Even if this package uses Cython, the goal is not to provide a high performance implementation. Cython was chosen as an easy method is offered to generate the binding and the littlefs library in one step.

Quick Examples

Let’s create a image ready to transfer to a flash memory using the pythonic interface:

from littlefs import LittleFS

# Initialize the File System according to your specifications
fs = LittleFS(block_size=512, block_count=256)

# Open a file and write some content
with'first-file.txt', 'w') as fh:
    fh.write(b'Some text to begin with\n')

# Dump the filesystem content to a file
with open('FlashMemory.bin', 'wb') as fh:

The same can be done by using the more verbose C-Style API, which closely resembels the steps which must be performed in C:

from littlefs import lfs

cfg = lfs.LFSConfig(block_size=512, block_count=256)
fs = lfs.LFSFilesystem()

# Format and mount the filesystem
lfs.format(fs, cfg)
lfs.mount(fs, cfg)

# Open a file and write some content
fh = lfs.file_open(fs, 'first-file.txt', 'w') as fh:
lfs.file_write(fs, fh, b'Some text to begin with\n')
lfs.file_close(fs, fh)

# Dump the filesystem content to a file
with open('FlashMemory.bin', 'wb') as fh:


This is as simple as it can be:

pip install littlefs-python

At the moment wheels (which require no build) are provided for the following platforms, on other platforms the source package is provided:

  • Linux: Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 & 3.8 / 32- & 64-bit
  • Windows: Python 3.5, 3.6 & 3.7 / 32- & 64-bit

Development Setup

Start by checking out the source repository of littlefs-python:

git clone

The source code for littlefs is included as a submodule which must be checked out after the clone:

cd <littlefs-python>
git submodule update --init

this ensures that the correct version of littlefs is cloned into the littlefs folder. As a next step install the dependencies and install the package:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


It’s highly recommended to install the package in a virtual environment!

Indices and tables